WORSHIP is one of the most profoundly used words in the Christian world and in the church itself. Worship is often mistaken and misunderstood by the very people who believe in Christ or shortly to be called “CHRISTIANS”. I feel that we as Christians don’t really understand the true meaning of worship in its true sense and just do it for name’s sake. It is because of this that I believe, knowing why we need to worship is very essential.
Isaiah 43:21 says like this,
“The people which I formed for myself, that they might set forth my praise.“ Isaiah 43:21
What God is saying here is this,” I created humans to set forth praise to Me”. So, this means that the very purpose of every human on earth is to bring a sweet aroma of praise unto God. But, does this mean that worship is a rule that we must follow? And if we don’t do it does it lead to some consequences? Well, if we think that way then our perspective of worship is so wrong.
Let me tell you why. We humans were created with one special gift that is FREE WILL. What does this mean? Well, when we correlate the two facts
we are made to worship
we have free will
we come know that we are to worship the eternal god out of our free will and not because we are told to do so. if that wasn’t the case then God wouldn’t have given us free will.
So, this means that God loves His people praising Him out of their free will, with a truthful heart, because they want to. But nowadays we don’t worship God because we want to but because we are supposed to or do it because our parents do so or because we shouldn’t be seen differently or because everyone in church is doing so and so many other reasons. But the only reason that God really expects from us is “God I worship you and bring praises to you because ‘I’ want to, because I love you for who you are in my life”. The very expression of worship is based on ‘truth’ because it says like this in john 4:24″God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
it is very essential that our expression of worship, be it songs, be it praying, be it praising God or any other expression of worship should be truthful and from our hearts and not because of anything else. It is only when we worship God this way, that we actually bring a sweet aroma of praise and worship that God is longing from us. It is this truthful worship that pleases God.
So this is what God expects from us when we worship:
1. A truthful heart of worship.
2. Worship because ‘we’ want to.
3. Worship God and Him alone for who He is.
To be continued…